Field Guides hosted another awesome Skeet Shoot this year! We had some lights-out shooters, stiff competition, Vitek's Gut Paks and got to share the mission of Field Guides with nearly 130 people!
Here is the complete write up. Here are all of the pics from the shoot. Finally, a huge "THANK YOU" to everyone who came to the event and had a hand in putting on such a great day! Thanks to the following sponsors and donors: Platinum Level Cody and Angela Beeler Gold Level Croft Automation Lackmeyer Construction Mike and Debbie Lewis Silver Level Highland Baptist Missions Committee Integrated Pain Associates Jonathan and Heidi Seward Bronze Level Michael and Claire McNamara Chris and Susan Sadler And: Brute Outdoors Cabela's Collin Street Bakery Dr. Pepper M&M Mars Shipley Donuts Starbucks Stillwater Refuge Vitek's BBQ Comments are closed.
Skeet Shoot